Wim Weymans

Biography and/or project

Wim Weymans was raised in Antwerp and holds degrees in history (MA), philosophy (PhD) and political theory (MPhil) from the universities of Cambridge and Leuven, Belgium. From January 2008 to December 2009 he was an adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University where he taught human rights theory and history. Before that he was a Fulbright scholar at UC Berkeley (2006) and a visiting scholar at NYU’s Remarque Institute (2007). His research interests include French political and historical theory post-1968 (e.g. Lefort, Certeau, Foucault, Gauchet, Rosanvallon, …), different ways to represent (traumatic events from) the past and (methodological) debates on how to write the history of ‘modernity’, ‘democracy’, ‘the asylum’ or ‘human rights’.