Lynn Fendler

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Michigan State University
function of history
Biography and/or project

Lynn Fendler is a professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University (USA) where she teaches courses in curriculum theory, philosophy of education, and humanities-oriented research.  Lynn received a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1999. She was a Visiting Professor at the University of Luxembourg in 2010-11. Her book on Foucault’s life and work was published by Continuum/Bloomsbury in 2010. In 2013 she received the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education Distinguished Achievement Alumni Award. Since 2000, she has been a member of the Research Community: History and Philosophy of Education Research Community of Leuven, Belgium. Lynn’s focus of research is the Ethics of Knowledge. Using genealogical and historiographical approaches to critique, she examines ways knowledge has unintended and unanticipated harmful and exclusionary effects in education.  Her recent research projects include a history of the bell curve, a critical examination of chronology in educational historiography, and curricular theories of gustatory taste.