Lucian Popescu

Biography and/or project

My research interests are related with the idea of historical knowledge. I am focused on Western idea of historiography/theoretical history, and I published two books in this topic (Romanian and English). In my PhD thesis (The Archaeology of Historical and Political Thought) I proposed a new paradigm for theory of history and for humanities. I investigate the epistemic and political relations between history (as a modern public discipline, shaped by politics and by state’s institutions with abstract norms/arbitrarian concepts), domains of Modern Language (Linguistics, Hermeneutics, Semiotics, Structuralism), disciplines of mind and social-political behaviour (Western Theory of Modern Progress, Psychoanalysis) and the inter-actions of modern idea of consciousness with European identities. I coined the concept ,,intellectual religions” designating four disciplines: Hermeneutics, Semiotics, Western Theory of Modern Progress, Psycho anlysis. From my point of view its not a crisis of history/historicism, but a profound crisis of linguistic awareness OF history/historicism, historical studies a. s. o., a. s. f.