Velikii oktiabr' i krizis osnovanii burzhuaznoi filosofii istorii

Deep changes in world history have always had a decisive effect on its philosophical interpretation. In this respect a special place is occupied by the prerequisites for and the formation and development of a new social system - socialism putting an end to all forms of the exploitation of man by man and social and national oppression, ushering in a new era in world history. The October Socialist Revolution is by right regarded as the greatest event of the 20th century. The triumph of socialist relations in the Soviet Union, the rout of Nazism, the birth of the world socialist system, the downfall of the colonial empires, and the radical change in the alignment of forces in the world arena stem from the irreversible social changes a mighty impetus which the October revolution provided. This irrefutably proves the historical logic and maturity of the world's first victorious socialist revolution, shows that it has reflected not only local, but also world-historic trends of social development. It marked a watershed of history and brought about a cardinal reappraisal of the old concepts of the philosophy of history. The October revolution carried on deep-going social reforms in conformity with the conclusions of the scientific theory of social development, historical materialism, providing real foundations for a comparison of various trends of philosophical thought and their objective assessment based on truly scientific criteria.