Hayden White lendo Karl Marx: reflexões acerca da repetição histórica // [Hayden White from Marx: reflections on the historical repetition]

This paper aims to develop a critical analysis of the controversial interpretation
undertaken by Hayden White in his work Metahistory: The Historical imagination in
nineteenth century about The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, written by Karl
Marx. Using as a critical counterpoint the work Marx et the historical repetition, written
by the French philosopher Paul-Laurent Assoun, we support the hypothesis whereby,
Hayden White incurs in certain misconceptions, precisely by the use of the "theory of
tropes" that frames/ plaster Marx’s reflection, and for not being attentive to the
historical materiality which The Eighteenth Brumaire deals with, by ignoring its
characteristics of, at same time, form itself into a historical witness, historical
interpretation and theoretical proposition.

Key-words: Historical repetition, historical narrative, The Eighteenth Brumaire, Karl
Marx, Hayden White.