Geskiedsfilosofie as godsdiensfilosofie: 'n lesing van Wolfhart Pannenberg se hermeneutiek van die geskiedenis // [Philosophy of history as philosophy of religion: A reading of Wolhart Pannenberg's hermeneutics of history]

In hierdie opstel word 'n kritiese lesing van die geskiedsfilosofie in die vroeë werk van Wolfhart Pannenberg uitgewerk. 'n Poging sal gemaak word om die hermeneutiese aspek van sy filosofie na vore te bring, terwyl die meer dominante perspektiewe van sy teologie en wetenskapsfilosofie net in spel gebring word waar nodig. Daar sal betoog word dat sy historiese, hermeneutiese idee van openbaring die punt van artikulasie tussen sy geskiedsfilosofie en sy godsdiensfilosofie vorm. Uiteindelik ontwikkel hy 'n universele benadering tot die interpretasie van die betekenis van geskiedenis. Hierdie geskiedsfilosofie het verrykende konsekwensies vir die verstaan van godsdienstige pluraliteit, wêreldgeskiedenis en hermeneutiek. Laasgenoemde word al drie uitgewerk en aan kritiese evaluasie onderwerp. 3Philosophy of history as philosophy of religion : a reading of Wolfhart Pannenberg's hermeneutics of history In this essay, a critical reading of the philosophy of history in the early work of Wolfhart Pannenberg is developed. An attempt will be made to bring the hermeneutic aspect of his philosophy to the fore, with the more dominant perspectives of his theology and philosophy of science being brought into play only where necessary. It will be argued that his historical hermeneutic notion of revelation forms the point of articulation between his philosophy of history and his philosophy of religion. Eventually, he develops a universal approach to interpreting the meaning of history. This philosophy of history has far-reaching consequences for the understanding of religious plurality, world history and hermeneutics, which will be expounded and critically evaluated.