Da revolução, a modernidade e o progresso: a emergência da filosofia da história em Kant, Hegel e Marx // [Revolution, modernity and progress: the emergence of the philosophy of history in Kant, Hegel and Marx]

This article intend to analyze, through of the development of the concepts of revolution,modernity and progress, the growth of the philosophy of History in Kant and Hegel,doing, last, a contrast of this with the Karl Marx’s historic materialism. In the reading ofthe critics of the modernization in the finishing of the century XVIII and beginning of theXIX (Goethe and Baudelaire), we still study the construction of the History modernconcept, observing how it is associated with the innovation and improvement that hasoccurred of the French revolutionary movement of 1789.

Keywords: revolution, modernity, philosophy of History, Hegel, Marx.