关于改善史学著述风格的理论思考//[Theoretical Thoughts on Improving the style of Historical Works]

When we judge contemporary Chinese historiography, the problem of writing style has become prominent that stifles historiography innovation and affects academic communication. It can not be solved fundamentally if we just advocate the improving of scholars' literary accomplishment. The solution to the problem lies in the breakthrough in theory and concept. Imaginative thinking is an indispensable part of historical research. Historians should be noble and emotional and full of rich imagination. If there is no deep theoretical reflection on the writing style of historical works, or if we stick to the traditional concepts of so-called positivism and objectivity of historical narration, reject the application of thinking forms such as imaginative thinking and historical imagination in historical narration and can not recognize the appropriateposition of emotional factors in historical research, it is impossible to solve the problem of writing style of historical works fundamentally.