全球史研究:对民族—国家话语的反思与构建//[Global History Research:Reflections upon and Construction of Nation-State Discourse]

The worldwide global history research today has formed two significant trends,trying to get rid of the traditional nation-state discourse and breaking through the barriers of Western-centric discourse. For the former,it has promoted effective changes in contemporary historiography. Yet,it has not changed the inherent logic of nation-state identity and specific cultural aspirations of the promoters of global history discourse. In addition to the major developed countries such as Britain,the United States,Germany,and France,there has been a rapid increase in global history research and writing in many non-Western countries. Not only does this reflect the new trend of breaking through the barriers of Western discourse in global history but also speak volume of the multi-polarization of the world in the cultural field. The global history that we pursue with the characteristics of Chinese national culture is not only an expansion of research scope and the purposeful shaping of the diversification of historical subjects,but also a new type of global history constructed by continuously exploring the cultural accumulation of historical temporal connotations of human history. This is based on the reinterpretation of major historical issues in the historical development of the Chinese nation from a global perspective. While working to break through barriers of Western discourse,we reconstruct the historical evolution and offer realistic renderings on why“China”is“China”and why“the world”is“the world”. This new type of general history of the world is guided by Marxist historical materialism,exploring the world significance of Chinese history and the influence of China in the history of the world.