追迹华夏之初——古史书写中的想象与真实//[Tracing the Origin of China:Imagination and Authenticity in the writing of Ancient History]

The combination of the two contradictory historical approaches initiated by Sima Qian, namely the objective exploration of the historical truths and the subjective construction of historical narratives, has still dominated our interpretation of the earliest history of China since the 20th century. The expanding scope of archaeological excavation of cultural sites in the Neolithic period and the continued sorting out and authentication of ancient documents have kept fueling the academic progress in the field of early Chinese studies. At the same time,however, non-academic factors are also getting in the way. Among them are the political atmospheres and ideologies of different eras, the struggle between different schools for academic space and discourse hegemony, and the local bias for the historical and cultural values of a specific area. The general trend in the past hundred years is that, with the development of science and technology, people's knowledge of ancient history is getting closer and closer to the historical truth, but always fraught with subjective imaginations which have resulted from the influence of various non-academic factors and which have interfered with academic progress