还“德”于“史”:柳诒徵与二十世纪东南学派史学伦理化转向//[The return of morality to History: the ethical turn of Liu Yizheng and the Southeast school of thought in the 20th Century]

In the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China,traditional ethical historiography suffered a serious crisis.Marked by Liang Qichao's historiographical revolution,modern Chinese historiography took a turn in epistemology.The positivism-based "new historiography" held firm belief in some modern Western concepts such as "science" and "evolution",and was dedicated to expelling morality from the field of history.After World War I,however,historians at home began to re-examine the issue of "historical morality".Amid the controversy,Liu Yizheng and the Southeast school of thought believed in "the past" and,on the basis of Zhang Xuecheng's and Liang Qichao's views of historical morality,stated that history and morality are closely linked.After the 9/18 Incident,the cultural conservatism and cultural nationalism began to merge and then developed the theory of historical pragmatism.The Southeast school reinterpreted the relationship between history and morality and tried to reduce the tendency of "learning for the sake of learning",which was an important milestone in the modern Chinese academic history.