探源与传衍:近代中国史家的兰克论述//[Source and Dissemination:Modern Chinese Historian’s Discussion on Ranke]

Ranke, a German historian, is well known in modern Chinese historical circles. For Chinese historians, the vast majority of discussion on Ranke are simply paraphrased from foreign popular western history textbooks, works on theory of historiography and history of historiography. After multiple citations, the recitator may not have a clear understanding of historiography of Ranke, and it is a common phenomenon to seek for words and sentences without independent opinions. For those who read Ranke's works directly, this is rare.The fact that Ch inese historians occasionally mention Ranke in class or in their books does not mean that they are influenced by him. Nor can it be said that they have any substantial knowledge of Ranke. Ranke had only indirect influence on Chinese modern history, among which western works on theory of historiography and history of historiography played an intermediary role. His historical meaning was abandoned, and his historical method was preserved. Th is was in line with the Traditional Chinese textual criticism, which was popular among Chinese historians.