分野与整合:当代中国社会史学科边界再议//[The Division and Integration:the Reconsideration of the Disciplinary Boundary of the Social History of Contemporary China]

In recent years, it has appeared obvious interdisciplinary orientation in the study of social history of contemporary China. The interdisciplinary research not only expanded the width and depth of the social history of contemporary China but also leaded to the blurring of discipline boundaries. The behaviour that ignored the existence of discipline boundary could only cause the shift of the disciplinary center of gravity of the social history of contemporary China and made an negative impact on the construction of discipline. In the increasingly extensive interdisciplinary integration, it is an important premise for maintaining the subject independence to clarify and delimit the subject boundary. The clear subject boundaries are an important basis for achieving benign academic exchanges and subject mutual learning. As a branch of history, it is necessary for the social history of contemporary China to cross disciplinary boundary on the premise of adhering to the historicism, learning from and integrate the strengths of other disciplines, and realize the innovation of problem awareness, theoretical perspectives and technical methods. This is also one of the basic paths to promote the constant deepening of study of the social history of contemporary China.