“范式转移”视域下的宋代经学学术话语转型//[Transformation of Academic Discourse of Confucian Classics in the Song Dynasty under the Vision of “Paradigm-Shift” Theory]

The“Paradigm”focuses on the consensus of scientific community to conduct a certain research,including the consistency of research objects,methods,standards and beliefs. However,the scientific community will destroy the original paradigm on a large scale due to the change of beliefs,shifting the focus and methods of previous research when facing a big crisis. The study of Confucian classics changed its emphasis from exegesis in the Han and Tang Dynasties to thoughts in the Song dynasty,until Neo-Confucianism became the mainstream of learning,the essence of which is the Confucianism's response to the dilemma of their own time by rethinking and readjusting the focus and methods of study on the Confucian classicsbecause of the changes in academic belief in the Song Dynasty. Thus,the essence of thereform of classics studiesin the Song Dynasty is the“paradigm shift”of academic discourse.