章学诚“别识心裁”说再议——兼论中西史学比较的本质与目标//[A Rethink of Zhang Xuecheng’s Theory of “Creating a New View”:On the Essence and Goal of the Comparative Research on Chinese and Western Historiographies]

Zhang Xuecheng's theory of “Creating a New View” is based on the work of making skill and temperament together, and it focuses on academic origins and aims. Finally, Zhang formed his own historical theory. Against the background of integration of Chinese and Western cultures, Yu Yingshi reviewed Zhang Xuecheng's theory with Collingwood's ideas, and thus revealed the consistency of essence, methods and logics of Chinese and Western historiographies, and his aim is “seeking common ground on China and Western world”. Zhang Rulun noticed the different traditions on Chinese and Western historiographies, and advocated that scholars should have a deep and detailed understanding of the characteristics of the two sides and made the comparative research with a neutral attitude, so he paid attention to differences on Chinese and Western civilization. During this argument, modern concepts such as subjectivity and objectivity, subject and object, ideas, thought and methods are integrated into research on traditional Chinese historiography. The translation of Chinese and Western historiographical terms is helpful for building general context, that is building similarities and differences. The goal of the comparative research on Chinese and Western historiographies is to seek universality and confirm uniqueness, so scholars should grasp the thread and basic spirits, and construct a clear “self” which is more in line with universality and their own tradition.