Tina Van der Vlies

Biography and/or project

Tina van der Vlies works as a lecturer and PhD candidate at the Centre for Historical Culture, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research project “Echoing Events. The Resonance of National Narratives in English and Dutch history textbooks, 1920-2000' is funded by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (2011-).

Her research scrutinizes textbook narrations that combine different histories, places and times in a productive way to generate meaning from historical combinations. She examines cross-references between histories in English and Dutch textbooks, published for students between the ages of 11-14 in the period 1920-2000. She analyzes history textbooks as layered narratives in which stories of different periods and events overlap, interfuse and interact. The study of resonance patterns in history textbooks can reveal widespread frames of references and possible schemata in the narration of (national) history. In this way, her research aims to obtain information about how the organisation of historical knowledge sustains the perpetuation of national narratives.

In 2015, she was awarded with the ‘ISCHE Early Career Paper Award’ at the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE) in Istanbul. She received the award for her paper "Multidirectional War Narratives in History Textbooks", presented at the ISCHE Conference "Education, War and Peace" in London in 2014.

For more information, please visit: https://www.eshcc.eur.nl/english/personal/vandervlies/