Florencia Levín

Biography and/or project

Florence Levin is a professor and a PhD in History from the University of Buenos Aires, specialized in the study of recent history. She currently works as a researcher at CONICET and professor at the National University of General Sarmiento, where she co-direct the Master in Contemporary History. She is the author of Humor político en tiempos de represión. Clarin 1973-1983 (Siglo XXI, 2013) and Humor gráfico. Manual de uso para la historia (UNGS, 2015). She also edited Tramas del pasado reciente argentino. Historia, memoria y transmisión (UNGS, in press) and co-edited Historia reciente. Perspectivas y desafíos para un campo en construcción (Paidos, 2007) and founded in 2007 the Red Interdisciplinaria de Estudios sobre Historia Reciente (www.riehr.com.ar). Her main interests are linked whit the social experience of state terrorism and the epistemology in recent history. From the hypothesis that the specificity of recent history as a discipline comes from the specificity of the ontology of the phenomenon that is as such, that is, state terrorism, her various lines of investigation articulate dimensions of analysis (historical, theoretical, and epistemological) as well as teaching practice, which feed each other.