Christophe Madelein

Biography and/or project

National History in Dutch Epics (1766-1795): Formation of a Historica

l Experience?

I elaborate on the turn in the Begriffsgeschichte of socio-political concepts such as ‘freedom’ and ‘fatherland’ in the late eighteenth century by means of an analysis of the shifting conceptions of time and past in that very period. I analyze a clear-cut corpus of Dutch epics that appeared under the rule of Stadtholder William V (1766-1795). The corpus is not just defined in terms of time, but also thematically: it concerns epics on the topic of national history. The central research question is in what ideologically charged way the rhetorical structure of these texts guide the reader towards a historical experience (Ankersmit). The past is used as an exemplum in the service of diverse ideologies, dependent on the attitude of the author towards contemporary political issues. I link the shifts of socio-political concepts, influenced by ideological conflicts (Koselleck) to a changing conception of time (Hartog, Fritzsche, Ankersmit). This project aims to be an intervention in the study of 18th-century Dutch literature and culture, and in the conceptual study of the relations between literature and historiography.