历史性的体制和当下主义:弗朗索瓦·阿赫多戈的历史时间研究述评//[Regime of Historicity and Presentism: A Review of François Hartog’s Historical Studies of Time]

In his Régimes d'historicité.Présentisme et expériences du temps,Fran9 ois Hartog analysed several regimes of historicity, which he defined as ways of articulation of the past, present and future.In different societies there are probably different ways of articulation of the three temporal dimensions, such as heroic regime, “ancien régime” and modern regime remarked in his work.But these regimes are not monolithic, some incongruences could emerge from within, and one regime could transform to another.These moments of incongruence and transformation are labelled by Hartog as gap or crisis of temporal order.In Occident an emerging crisis of temporal order in the last decades is brewing a new regime of historicity, called as presentism, which is relatively disorderly temporal order without glorious horizon of expectation, and differs from the modern regime in that the latter embraces futurist perspective and continuity between past and present.