西方史学思想中的历史想象观念探析//[An Examination of Ideas on Historical Imagination in Western Historiographical Thoughts]

There is a historical process for western historians and thinkers to understand historical imagination.During the Enlightenment period,Kant and Vico's conceptions on deductive logic and poetic wisdom offered two different understandings on imagination,which both influenced the later notions of historical imagination.With the specialization of historiography during the 19 th century,most professional historians saw imagination as something that should be repressed in studying history.However,later thinkers R.G.Collingwood and Hayden White respectively justified the historical imagination from the perspectives of cognition and discourse.They both think that the historical imagination which connects,integrates,and prefigures historical materials cannot be eliminated in historical narrative.The historical imagination is indispensable for historians to explore historical process and understand the meanings of history.The enquiry into historical imagination can possibly prompt us to ponder over a refreshed concept of historical truth not only dominated by facts but also containing ethical and aesthetic dimensions.