Robbert-Jan Adriaansen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam - Netherlands historical consciousness historicism history of ideas romanticism hermeneutics
Moisés Antiqueira Western Paraná State University, Marechal Cândido Rondon - Brazil function of history Ancient historiography and historical consciousness intellectual history/history of ideas/mentalities
Carlos Henrique Armani Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil (post)colonial 1 theory and philosophy of historiography intellectual history/history of ideas/mentalities
Peter Aronsson Linköping University - Sweden historical consciousness agency/action historiography identity
Cristiano Arrais Federal University of Goiás, Goiania - Brazil history of ideas historical consciousness
Anthe Baele Ghent University - Belgium anthropology/ethnography experience/sensation/perception historical consciousness nationalism/nation building presentism
Federico Boccaccini University of Liege - Belgium analytical philosophy of history historical consciousness historiography history of ideas
Davide Bondì Adjunct Professor at the University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano) - Italy scepticism historical consciousness historicism historiography history of ideas