Joana Duarte Bernardes University of Coimbra - Portugal history of ideas historiography representation
Shanice Bernicky Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada - Canada empathy (neo)positivism (post)colonial discourse analysis media and history representation
Herib Caballero Campo Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Paraguay historiography history of ideas representation
Alon Confino University of Virginia - United States of America historical consciousness representation
Alexandre De Sa Avelar Federal University of Uberlândia - Brazil history of ideas representation historiography agency/action
Jaap Den Hollander University of Groningen - Netherlands historicism history of ideas historical consciousness representation
Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth Trent University, Petersborough - University of Edinburgh - Canada explanation
Daniel Fairbrother Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick University - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland facts 1 theory and philosophy of historiography agency/action chance/contingency explanation medieval historiography and historical consciousness