Historizem v slovenski cerkveni glasbi 19 stoletja // [Historicism in Slovenian church music of the 19th century]

Članek obravnava historizem kot smer v cerkveni glasbi 19. stoletja, katere predstavniki so želeli obnoviti pravno cerkveno glasbo z obujanjem preteklostiin ustvarjanjem novih po historičnih zgledih. Pregledno opisuje postopno uveljavljanje historičnih idej na Slvoenskem, sprva v glasbeni publicistiki ter kasneje v reprodukciji in skladateljskem ustvarjanju. The paper deals with historicism as a direction in church music of the 19th century, whose representatives wished to renew true church music by reviving earlier works and creating new works according to historical examples. The survey describes the gradual establishment of historicist ideas in Slovenia, first in writing on music and later in reproduction and composers' creations.